Dr. Bing Chen is UArctic Chair in Marine and Coastal Environmental Engineering, Professor in Environmental Engineering, Director of Northern Region Persistent Organic Pollution Control (NRPOP) Lab, and Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is also the founding Director of a global Network on Persistent, Emerging and Organic PoLlution in the Environment (PEOPLE Network). He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE), and a Member of Royal Society of Canada (RSC) (College) and European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA). He is an internationally recognized leader in water and environmental engineering with expertise in persistent and emerging pollution, environmental bio-/nano-technology, water/wastewater treatment, oil spill response, marine/coastal pollution mitigation, AI-aided decision making, and climate change studies. He has produced over 500 publications and many patents/disclosures. He is an Affiliated Faculty with UC Berkeley and has served as Senior Advisor of UNDP, VP of CSCE, VP of Canadian Association on Water Quality (CAWQ), Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Systems Research, etc. As a registered Professional Engineer in Canada, he has provided consulting service to government, industry, NGOs, and communities globally.